Sunday, July 12, 2009

Homage to Summer

When sunny days overwhelm any disturbances, hummingbirds fly through double rainbows (really). When we reside in the present moment with grace and gratefulness, we are as rich as can be.

Stay tuned for updates about the upcoming On Broadway Show dinner, dance, and song extravaganza! (Oh, and a short film, too...)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Outings and Epiphanies

...Greetings and Salutations~ So frisky and wide-eyed,this raw blog-world fantasy,
Let's collaborate!~The spring livens up everything eh!?
I'm immersed in Music, projects, shows, concepts, bands, guest spots, drums, bass, guitar,singing,
experimenting, flipping out and/or holding solid in the pocket...bring it!

A brilliant little gem of an art film is being built; some gorgeous shots, some rewriting,
some communing with the gods, some shuffling the light fantastic...more later.

So, Realization of the week: * The Miracle is every day *

Each day's journey, from rise to rest, has a hint, a personal lesson, a revelation to offer us.
As we listen to and acknowledge these subtle and profound gifts, we have the opportunity
for deep growth and synchronistic amusement. pay attention to those details...